January 27, 2017

33 WEEKS // Pregnancy & Life Update!

January 27, 2017

So much has happened lately and I am in love with every last bit of it. We finally moved to Salt Lake City! We moved into a tiny little rundown student apartment, because we wanted to pay as minimum as possible while Kelly is still in school, but I am in love with it. It's not fancy by any means, it has cinderblock walls, yellow lights, the tiniest kitchen, but it's home. This is the place that we're going to bring Jaxon home for the first time. He is going to spend the first year of his life in this little place and that means everything to me. 

Salt Lake City is awesome though. We went on a date night last night since it was the first night since we moved that Kelly didn't have school right after work, and let me tell you- it is awesome to a) not only have two options of where to go, and b) not have to drive 30 minutes to Idaho Falls to have even more options. We live like 10-15 minutes away from Temple Square, and I am just loving it. 

Since we moved I got to start setting up Jaxon's nursery. We've had a lot of the stuff for it for a while, but it was just sitting in boxes in the corner of our living room until we moved, but I finally got to set it all up! Shae even sent us our glider because she's the best, and his nursery is just the most wonderful place- though I can't be in there too long or too often because I will cry for hours about how excited I am. 

It is becoming very real. My mom booked her flight to come and be here for Jaxon's birth. She gets in on March 2nd and I couldn't be more excited about the whole thing! (Plus, she gets to fly into SLC without having to take a bus to Rexburg or pay a crap ton more to fly into Idaho Falls). My little boy is coming so soon and he's already so loved!!

How many weeks?: 33!

Gender: Boy through & through.

Names: Jaxon :)

Weight gain: I haven't checked lately, and I'm okay with it.

Maternity clothes?: Sweatpants are all that fits me right now. I live in maternity leggings and Kelly's shirts. 

Best moment this week: Moving and being able to set up his nursery!

Missing anything?: Pizza. I have officially sworn off pizza for the rest of this pregnancy- it just isn't worth it for me anymore. 2am heartburn attacks were the death of me, but it makes me so sad. 

Movement: He really loves to stick his foot out of my right side and just keep it there. It's fun though, if I push it back in he'll push back out and we play that way haha.

Baby size: Celery (17.2) inches according to my app.

Cravings: Oreo McFlurry's are all the rage in my mind right now. I'm SO ready for the Cadbury Cream Egg ones omg.

Anything making you queasy or sick?: Pizza... and random other things. We went to this place last night for our date and they'd bring things over to ask if I wanted any and I could barely say no I got so nauseous just from the smell. 

Wedding ring on or off? On ... but I think we're getting close.

Happy or moody?: I'm on cloud 9 right now with the move. 

Looking forward to: My mom coming! It's still super far, but it's definitely the thing I'm most excited for right now!

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